I went to a Michael Franti concert recently. He is an amazing performer so filled with love and inspiration for all people. He had just written a song he wanted to share with us even though he didn’t have it memorized. He read the lyrics from his phone as he sang “Life goes quickly so take it slow.” I copied this down so I would remember. What a great mantra!
Every day I seem surprised that the day, the month, the year, has flown by. As a child, everything seemed to take forever, but now it feels like I hardly have time to catch my breath. Remembering those lyrics, I know I can slow it down by focusing on loving and enjoying each moment, what I think or do as I experience my day.
Every day I enjoy waking up and looking out the window to see the beauty that surrounds me. I enjoy my morning meditation and writing in my journal, writing my gratitude list, setting my intentions, and speaking my affirmations. This practice gives me focus so that I can mindfully experience and enjoy what I do throughout my day, whatever it brings.
How do you start your day? Are you mindful of your activities? How can you slow things down each day?
I wish so much peace, joy, and love for you every day!
happy to enjoy that evening with you
Me too!
I agree. What a great mantra! Thanks.