Every morning I write out my gratitude list before I do anything else. This way I start my day feeling positive and smiling, recognizing how wonderful my life actually is. I listened recently to an interview Oprah did with Lynn Twist, who Is a major inspiration in my life. Lynn learned much about money, scarcity, and enoughness when she was the Director of Development for The World Hunger Fund. Much of her philosophy is based on recognizing what you already have and making the most of it. In her interview, she suggested instead of just writing a gratitude list, that celebrating what you are grateful for can help solidify whatever that is, making it a highlight in your life.
So, what can you celebrate today? For me, when I woke up this morning I was thinking of how many people I know who are having serious health challenges right now, and instead of worrying about them, I realized I am grateful to be able to serve them. We made home-made chicken soup for a friend with pneumonia, brownies for a bed ridden friend with a sweet tooth, sent cards and notes to a friend grieving, sent cheery texts with beautiful pictures to a hospitalized friend, and talk on the phone to a friend asking for guidance. Instead of focusing on the negative, I focus on the positive. I celebrate today that each of these friends are alive and that I can shower them with love.
I encourage you to watch Lynn’s interview with Oprah, watch her TED Talk, and even ready her inspirational book, The Soul of Money. You will love her. My whole attitude toward money and life in general changed when I read that book.
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Emily, I love the idea of celebrating the things we’re grateful for.
I’m smiling remembering years ago when at an AAUW book group meeting, you brought gratitude journals for each one of us. Thank you then and thank you now. Hugs,
You are so welcome!