I ran across a quote by Michael Bernard Beckwith: “It’s not the world’s job to make you happy. It’s your job to bring happiness into the world.” I’ve been thinking lots about happiness lately. When I feel happy, I can relax and enjoy all that’s good in my life. After Jacques died, I read Marci Shimoff’s book Happy for No Reason. I am so glad I found that book because it helped me realize that I hadn’t been happy at all, and that I needed to change that.
Sometimes being happy gets a bad rap because people think it’s frivolous, but I see it now as essential. Ron had me look in the mirror once and asked me about what I saw. That caused me to realize that I wasn’t smiling, and also that I didn’t smile very often. I took that as a challenge to remind me to smile. I felt like I needed a reason to smile, so I made it a challenge that every time I saw a mirror, I would smile into it. That helped, but it seemed arbitrary. I wanted my smiles to be motivated by happiness.
Now I look for happiness in everything I do. If I am on a podcast or am facilitating a meeting, I can see myself on my computer screen and make sure that I am happy about what I am saying. That brings out genuine smiles, and it feels so good. And when I am talking to someone, I think about what I can say that will make them smile. And when I am enjoying what I eat, I smile then. And a way for me to not eat as much is to pay attention to if I am not enjoying what I am eating. And if I’m not, I don’t eat whatever it is.
I even became a Happy for Not Reason certified trainer so that I have lots of ways now I can teach other people about the value of happiness. There is always so much room for more happiness in the world! I see that the happier I am, the happier people are who are around me. I love that. It’s fun to smile! Now I search for ways to make people happy. The more happiness and love I share with the world, the happier we all will be! My hope is that you are finding and sharing happiness too!
You can join the Grief and Happiness Alliance which meets weekly on Sundays by clicking here: https://www.griefandhappiness.com/offers/ytK7eLBa
You can order Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief by clicking here at Amazon.
You can listen to my podcast, Grief and Happiness, here. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/loving-and-living-your-way-through-grief-with/id1509589686?i=1000535381763
I 💯completely agree. Mahalo Emily, I’m going to share a link to this on my server 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Wonderful! Thanks for letting me know!