When I woke up this morning, I was so inspired! It felt wonderful. While I was still in bed, I opened my eyes and looked at the clock and it was 11:11. Oh no! I had slept half the day. I needed to get up right away. Then I actually opened my eyes and realized that was a dream and it was 6:30, closer to my usual time to wake. “Whew.” I took a deep breath to release the panic, and started my morning with the fresh energy that came from being startled.
As I started to write in my journal, I realized all that was a wink from my dear departed husband, Ron. January 1, 2011, or 1 1 11, was the day we got married. That clock in my dream was from him. I laughed and could just see his great big smile. This inspiration led me to plan a great day, starting with getting dressed in clothes I could wear outside. I’ve been hibernating for a while, but today I chose to dress for walking. The sun is shining, and I am ready!
I recently had the opportunity to see singer, songwriter Karen Drucker give a talk. She was bubbling with energy and smiles. She said, “Today choose to be grateful, happy, peaceful, loving, joyful, and mindful.” That’s a lot! And it sounds like a perfect day to me.
Thanks, Karen, for that inspiration. I am writing it in my journal to remind me to choose all this every day!
I have a big talk coming up at a conference in Las Vegas. I’ve been working on it for a while, and today with all that fresh energy, the entire concept for what I will say poured out of me. I could see myself on that stage, smiling and engaging the audience so they were entranced with my message. That all came to me because I chose today to be positive, to pay attention to inspiration, to enjoy my day, and to be creative.
I hope today will be fabulous for you, too! Follow Karen’s advice and see what happens! This blog is a little shorter than usual today because I have a walk to go on! Bye! See you later!
The Grief and Happiness Alliance
Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief
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