Yesterday I had the nicest surprise when I opened my mailbox and there was a small envelop with a handwritten address to me on it. Last month I received a message online about a special drive a private Hospice in Canada was doing. They asked for people to write a note of support to someone […]
Read MoreEvery Saturday people come together to write through grief with me on Zoom. This week, I was so moved by what Rev. Rachel Hollander wrote that I asked if she would share it with us for my blog post this week, and she graciously said yes. Rev. Rachel is the President of the new Grief […]
Read MoreStuff seems to accumulate. I have bookshelves full of books I won’t read again, and this is after I have donated enough books in my lifetime to have opened my own bookstore. And I have enough kitchen equipment to run a catering company, and I am sure that is because I did have a catering […]
Read MoreOriginally known as Armistice Day, November 11 is the day that was chosen to honor veterans because it is the day that is considered the end of World War One, The Great War. This occurred in 1918 on the eleventh day of the eleventh month at 11 AM. Where I grew up, Veterans Day was the biggest […]
Read MoreI am thrilled to announce the formation of The Grief and Happiness Alliance which is a membership program where you can find comfort, support, happiness, and friends. Everyone deals with grief and loss in their lifetimes. When you are in that situation, having friends to relate to who are also dealing with loss can make […]
Read MoreWe almost never know when we have a conversation with someone that it will be for the last time. In the case of someone dying from a terminal illness, you may know it is your last conversation, yet so often people die without warning, and we don’t get to have that last talk with each […]
Read MoreAre you a complainer? I certainly was at one time in my life. I didn’t see it at the time, but I was constantly criticizing. Nothing was ever quite right or good enough. I rarely was satisfied. As I reflect on that time, I can see how unhappy all that complaining was making me. My […]
Read MoreLetting go can be the hardest thing we do in life. Holding on can be the most detrimental. My single-minded purpose in life for many years has been to love and be loved. I put that into action fully during the years Ron and I were together. By focusing on love, I learned to let […]
Read MoreOur lives are full of rhythm. I have vivid memories of the sounds from my husband’s hospital bedside. The Darth Vader sounds from the Bi-Pap machine got me in touch with the constant rhythm of the breathing it forced. There were always call light alarms from other patients in the hallway seeking the attention of […]
Read MoreOn September 21, my son was playing the song September by Earth Wind and Fire. He asked me if I knew the song, and I said, “Oh yes.” Here are some of the lyrics: Do you remember, 21st night of September? Love was changing the mind of pretenders While chasing the clouds away Our hearts […]
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