I just finished reading Ibram X. Kendi’s book: How to be and Antiracist, such a powerful book helping me to put into perspective what is happening in our country today. The book is filled with humanness and things to think about. And he puts in the perspective of the fragility of life. Kendi’s wife and […]
Read MoreIn grief, our roles shift from those we had before our loss to those we have after. Often our before roles are clear and we tend to do them without having to think much about them. After, though, we often aren’t sure what to do. Before your roles may have been things like caretaker, lover, […]
Read MoreYesterday I drove down past the airport (wonderful to get out of the house for a moment even though I was just in my car), and I noticed there were cars parked everywhere. The cars were parked bumper to bumper and side to side and were covered with dust. I imagine they had been there […]
Read MoreGrief actually does have physical effects on your body which can be severe. Have you had your heart race through the night leaving you exhausted when you wake in the morning? Has your whole body ached? Do you barely have enough energy to get around? Have you had unexplained headaches? Has eating become a challenge, […]
Read MoreSaying the right things to someone who is grieving can be a challenge. In the awkwardness following a death, sometimes people just don’t know what to say, so many times they don’t say anything, and I guarantee, that is not helpful. The most likely thing someone will say is “I’m sorry for your loss.” I […]
Read MoreWhen dealing with loss, we are bombarded by feelings. Some of those feelings, like remembering love and moments of joy, can bring comfort, while others can drag us down to the depths of despair. When those feeling hit, you may fall into the abyss of suffering, unable to rise up from the mire. You have […]
Read MoreWhen grieving, we all feel pain. We can recognize it and deal with it constructively, or we can melt into the deep abyss of suffering, unable to rise up from the mire. The good news is, you have choice in this matter. You can choose to survive and thrive. Compare the loss of a loved […]
Read MoreGrief has no finish line. No measuring tapes are involved. Grief is as individual as breathing. Early grief is all encompassing. We sometimes feel we are drowning in grief. Every breath is a struggle. Sleep is our reprieve. Then miraculously and often unnoticed, each breath is a little easier. We can’t anticipate when this will […]
Read MoreEverything seems to be up in the air. Each morning when I wake up, I question what will happen now. Questions fill my thoughts about all the people getting sick and maybe dying in the pandemic, people demonstrating because of people dying at the hands of the law enforcement who is supposed to protect us, […]
Read MoreI went for a walk and saw no one on the way until I spotted a neighbor I had not meant before. We stayed a careful distance apart, but I could tell she was eager to talk. She expressed her amazement with all that is happening in our country between the pandemic and demonstrations. She […]
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