For those grieving, the holidays may feel especially lonely. We hold sweet memories of festivities past and long for the times of joy and the comfort of our loved one’s presence. The constant ruminating on all we no longer have can lead us to longing, yearning to go back in time. Yet we know that’s […]
Read MoreDreading the holidays is common while grieving, but this doesn’t have to be the case for you. The length of time that’s passed from when grief started doesn’t matter. My Dad died 34 years ago, and I remember him every Christmas thinking of the Santa outfit I made him because he loved giving presents to […]
Read MoreThe holiday season can be especially tough for those dealing with grief. A great way to bring yourself some happiness is to focus on making someone you know happy. Start by making a list of people you know who are missing a loved one and could use some cheer. Think of friends dealing with the […]
Read MoreI interviewed Lisa Hepner, author of The Christmas Checklist, for my podcast and was so inspired. The book is about a dying mother who was concerned about how her daughter would handle the Christmas season without her. Her daughter, Emily, discovered the list after her mother transitioned and allowed it to help […]
Read MoreHolidays bring memories of our precious loved ones who aren’t at the table. Try finding ways to feel their presence. I start every day with my journal, so on holidays I always write to my loved ones. Many of us have the tradition of saying what we are thankful for at the table before we […]
Read MoreChristmas Eve, 2015, my husband was discharged from the hospital. Our ride home that day was one I thought we wouldn’t have been taking. He was critically ill with congestive heart failure and had spent many days in the hospital this time. In the past his stays had been shorter, so I was fighting with […]
Read MoreI just read Jane Asher’s book The Next Room. She wrote this book with her mother and it is filled with wisdom. I felt like I was in the room with them as Jane asked her mother deep questions and her answers were kind, deep, and filled with love. They were questions she […]
Read MoreThis year seems to have flown by. November suddenly appeared on my calendar and all those end-of-year have-tos took over my mind like Christmas cards, gifts, gatherings, and special events. I took a deep breath and made a decision to be mindful this holiday season. I am making a list of all I think I […]
Read MoreI was a latchkey child. Back in the olden days when I was young, starting in Kindergarten I walked to and from school by myself and entertained myself after school. My favorite childhood memories came from those times. I was so creative! I loved being outside, and walking was fun for me. I loved looking […]
Read MoreA popular assignment in writing classes at the university where I taught was to ask the students to write their own obituaries. I encouraged the students to write from the perspective of their futures as if they were 60 to 80 years old, reflecting on what they had accomplished in their lives. The students had […]
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