I heard a rustling in the dry leaves under my avocado tree. When I tried to check it out, a whole family rushed out: a rooster, a hen, and 5 chicks. They ran for their lives away from me. Chicken families tend to stick together to travel from one destination to the next I am sure for self-preservation. Contemplating this, I wonder why humans don’t do a better job at supporting each other.
People often tell me they feel so alone in their grief, and I understand that. After my husband Jacques died, I found myself alone much of the time. I didn’t have the inspiration or strength I needed to figure out how to do anything about my situation, so I stayed alone for quite a while.
After Ron died, I made the decision to do things differently than I had before. When I was ready, I started small. I would send an email or write a letter to someone I wanted to hear from. And I moved forward from there by asking a friend to join me for a cup of tea or a walk. That human contact felt so good. Then I started inviting people to come to my house to write together, play games, or work on projects.
The more time I spent with others, the better I felt. And I noticed that people I spent time with were smiling. I realized that they were reflecting my smile back to me. I was feeling so good about the time I was spending with others, I decided to reach out to people dealing with grief and loss to and invite them to meet with me online to write together, talk about what we write, learn happiness practices, and make new friends. I created the Grief and Happiness Alliance to do just that.
I now have friends from around the world who gather with me online each week to experience the comfort and support from others who understand the value of spending time with people while they are grieving. When we don’t make an effort to actively deal with our grief, we can easily get lost in our isolation. However, we can easily step forward by contacting people we love and by finding your new tribe in a beautiful place like the Grief and Happiness Alliance. I would love to see you there.
You can join the Grief and Happiness Alliance which meets weekly on Sundays by clicking here
You can order the International Best Selling The Grief and Happiness Handbook by clicking here.
You can order Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief by clicking here at Amazon:
You can listen to my podcast, Grief and Happiness, by clicking here